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Theme: Joe Biden may be off the ticket, but voters have not forgotten the last four years of high inflation, open borders, and instability. Kamala Harris is the most liberal nominee in American history and must answer for her role in the failed Biden-Harris Administration. Keeping our messaging focused on the incompetence and disastrous records of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, not on personal attacks concerning race or family, provides us the best path to reminding voters they do not want four more years of the status quo.

  • The greater St. Croix County area is full of Minnesota refugees. 
  • Please help us spread the message to those we know about Walz’ failed policies and practices as it should hit home with our residents. 

Tim Walz: Radical Incompetence 

  • While Walz dawdled, Minneapolis burned: Walz hesitated to commit the Minnesota National Guard for three days while the Twin Cities burned during the riots that followed George Floyd’s death in May 2020. According to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and records shown to the Star Tribune, when Frey requested the Guard, Walz “hesitated.”
  • Sympathizer to Vandalism: Walz sympathized with the vandals who tore down a statue of Columbus at the Capitol, and refused to resurrect it.
  • No Friend of Law Enforcement: Following the George Floyd riots, Walz reneged on providing police with more resources and instead called for “wide-ranging” police reform that included shifting police resources to community groups. Minneapolis witnessed “new lows” in police morale and saw a 21 percent reduction in officers between 2020 and 2021 after the riots.
  • Tax Hiking Tim: Walz wants to raise Americans’ taxes – proposing to do so multiple times as governor.
  • Green New Deal Tim: Walz is a climate radical who wants to phase out fossil fuels. Walz forced Minnesota to adopt stricter emissions standards for cars, trucks, and SUVs – aligning itself with California – despite objections from auto dealers.
  • Abortion Extremist: Walz believes in abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth.

Harris Means Four More Years of Bidenomics 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz owns the Border Crisis

  • Failed Border Czar: Joe Biden entrusted Kamala Harris with solving the border crisis. To say she threw kerosene on an already raging bonfire would be an understatement.
  • Terror Suspects in America: More than 8.5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the Southern Border during the Biden Administration, along with 25 tons of fentanyl and an increasing number of terror suspects. A man on the terror watchlist was apprehended and released by Border Patrol last year, highlighting the Biden administration’s struggle with identifying migrants who pose national security threats.
  • Pro-Sanctuary Cities: As Attorney General and U.S. Senator from California, Kamala Harris defended San Francisco’s status as a Sanctuary City for illegal aliens. Walz also supports sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.
  • Taxpayer Funded Healthcare and College for Illegals: Walz believes that American taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars should pay for illegal immigrants’ health care and college tuition.
  • Defunding the Police: Kamala Harris endorsed then-Mayor Eric Garcetti’s plan to cut $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department’s budget.