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Republican Party of St Croix County Constitution

The Constitution of the Republican Party of St. Croix County

Approved by We The People of St. Croix County, Wisconsin

“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed – That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (Declaration of Independence)

“ The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” (Article IV – United States Constitution)

“ The blessings of a free government can only be maintained by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence of fundamental principles.” (Article I – Wisconsin Constitution)


Constitution Committee Report – Pg 1
Cover Page – Pg 2
Table of Contents – Pg 3

Preamble – We the People of St. Croix County – Constitution – Pg 4, Bylaws – Pg 12

Article I – Name – Constitution – Pg 4, Bylaws – Pg 12

Article II – Purpose – Constitution – Pg 4, Bylaws – Pg 12

Article III – Membership – Constitution – Pg 4, Bylaws – Pg 12

Article IV – Officers And Executive Board – Constitution -Pg 5, Bylaws – Pg 13

Article V – Committees – Constitution – Pg 8, Bylaws – Pg 14

Article VI – Caucuses And Meetings – Constitution – Pg 9, Bylaws – Pg 17

Article VII – Quorum – Constitution – Pg 10, Bylaws – Pg 18

Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority – Constitution – Pg 10, Bylaws – Pg 18

Article IX – Bylaws – Constitution -Pg 11, Bylaws – Pg 18

Article X – Interpretation – Constitution -Pg 11, Bylaws – Pg 18

Article XI – Amendments – Constitution – Pg 11, Bylaws – Pg 19

Article XII – Superseding Governance – Constitution – Pg 11, Bylaws – Pg 19

The Constitution of The Republican Party of St. Croix County Wisconsin


We the People of the Republican Party of St. Croix County pledge to uphold the timeless truths and
Godly principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and
the Wisconsin Constitution, on which our Nation, State, and Party were founded and have flourished. Therefore, “We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to
secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, ensure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare, do establish this Constitution” *for the Republican Party of St. Croix County. *Preamble to the Wisconsin Constitution


The name of this organization shall be “REPUBLICAN PARTY OF ST. CROIX COUNTY,” hereafter referred to as RPSCC.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

1) To correlate and unify the activities of the RPSCC under one central organization

2) To honorably advance godly values and fundamental Republican Party principles and policies.

3) To cooperate and assist in all local, county, state, and national elections as a voluntary grassroots organization.

4) To preserve a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and State of Wisconsin.

5) To direct, manage, supervise and control the business, property and funds of the RPSCC in a fiscally responsible way.


Section 1: General Membership

Membership in this organization is open to all citizens of voting age who attest to the above
objectives, purposes, values and principles of the RPSCC.

1) Qualified voting members are Members in Good Standing who reside in St. Croix County.

2) Members in Good Standing are individuals whose applications have been approved by the Executive Board.

3) New member dues must be paid or postmarked at least fifteen (15) days prior to any meeting or caucus in order to vote.

4) Members in Good Standing of the previous calendar year may renew membership at caucus prior to the meeting being called to order.

5) No one may become a Member in Good Standing if they hold a membership in another political party or committee registered with any Federal, State, or other governing body for elections.

6) The Executive Board shall determine categories of membership in coordination with the Membership Committee.

7) The term of membership is one calendar year.

8) Non-refundable dues shall be assessed to each member annually.

Section 2: Removal and Reinstatement

The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote, remove an individual Member for good cause. Written Calls for Removal from two Executive Board members must be presented to the Executive Board, and the Member shall have the opportunity to be heard at a meeting, open to the membership, at which removal is to be considered. Removal is for a time period of not less than one (1) year from the date of removal, after which the removed individual may be reinstated by a two-thirds vote of the
Executive Board.

Section 3: Code of Conduct

Members of the RPSCC are expected to:

1) Conduct themselves in an impartial and professional manner, particularly when representing the RPSCC

2) Demonstrate respectful language and demeanor at all times

3) Demonstrate professional and business-like conduct during public, formal, and social gatherings.

4) Practice the “Golden Rule,” doing to others as you would have them do to you.


Section 1: Elected Officers

The elected officers of this organization shall be the following:
● Chairman
● First Vice-Chairman
● Second Vice-Chairman
● Secretary
● Treasurer

Section 2: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall maintain nine (9) members, consisting of the elected Officers and members at large.

Section 3: Compensation

All Executive Board members shall serve without compensation, with the exception of approved compensation for mileage, lodging, and meals according to current state employee rates. If an Executive Board member ever elects to run for office, reimbursement for campaign expenses will not be allowed. The Chairman with the Executive Board shall determine compensation for full, part-time, or temporary employees, or contracted services.

Section 4: Duties of Officers

A. Chairman

The Chairman shall:

1) Serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Board, and as such, preside at all meetings of the Membership, Executive Board, and Caucuses.

2) Prepare and present an agenda to the Executive Board at least seven (7) days prior to an executive meeting or caucus.

3) Supervise activities of the RPSCC under the direction of the Executive Board and shall report such activities to the members.

4) Be an ex-officio non-voting member of all standing and appointed committees, but shall not be a member of the Executive Board Nominating Committee.

5) Make any authorized purchases in the absence of the Treasurer.

B. First Vice-Chairman

The First Vice-Chairman shall:

1) In the absence of the Chairman, temporarily perform the duties of the Chairman as described.

2) Serve as Executive Board representative on the Finance Standing Committee.

3) Serve on the nominating committee for County Caucus and delegates.

C. Second Vice-Chairman

The Second Vice-Chairman shall:

1) In the absence of the Chairman and First Vice-Chair, temporarily perform the duties of both until one or both are able to resume their respective duties or until replacements are appointed or elected.

2) Serve as the Executive Board representative on the Elections Standing Committee.

D. Secretary

The Secretary shall:
1) Maintain a current roster of the Executive Board and all membership lists from the Treasurer.

2) Record, publish, and present the minutes of all meetings and caucuses to the Executive Board.

3) Be the custodian of all records of the party

4) Serve as the Executive Board representative on the Public Relations Committee.

E. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall:
1) Keep an accurate account of all money received and deposit such funds into the appropriate account prior to each monthly meeting.

2) Pay all invoices within the specified amount of time.

3) Maintain a list of all current paid members and provide a copy to the Secretary and Membership Committee.

4) Keep an accurate and current record of all expenditures by expense category.

5) Present a detailed and transparent financial statement at each Executive Board meeting and County Caucus.

6) File all proper reports with Campaign Finance as required by law and confirm completion with the First Vice Chair.

Section 5: Duties of the Executive Board

All members of the Executive Board shall adhere to the Code of conduct in Article III, Section 3.

All members of the Executive Board shall be expected to:

1) Attend all meetings of the Membership, Executive Board, and assigned Committees as scheduled, with absences only on rare and unavoidable occasions.

2) Perform duties as defined in this Constitution and Bylaws.

3) Honorably represent and support the expressed will and direction of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall:

1) Have authority to transact business between caucuses or meetings.

2) Make recommendations as to the policies of the party.

3) Advise the Chairman.

4) Approve vacancies that occur between elections pursuant to Article IV, Section 8.

5) Oversee the delegate selection process to ensure that a full slate of delegates and alternates attend District Caucuses and State Conventions.

6) Formulate policies governing its actions in matters not provided for in this Constitution or By-Laws.

7) Provide means and resources to maintain, preserve and store all RPSCC related materials and records in the appropriate physical or electronic formats

8) Perform other duties as needed.

Section 6: Term of Office

The term of office for the elected Officers and Executive Board members shall be two (2) years commencing in the odd-numbered years.

Officers may serve two (2) consecutive two (2)-year terms, after which they must take a leave of office for one (1) two (2)-year term before being eligible to serve again as an officer.

The term shall begin following the adjournment of the RPSCC County Caucus at which they were elected, and shall continue until their successors are elected.

In the event of an unfillable vacancy, an officer having just completed two consecutive terms may be eligible to serve an additional term.

Section 7: Removal

The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote, remove an Executive Board Member for failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct, failure to fulfill the duties and expectations of their office, or other actions detrimental to the RPSCC. Written Calls for Removal from two Executive Board members must be presented to the Executive Board, and the Member shall have the opportunity to be heard at a meeting, open to the membership, at which removal is to be considered. A removed individual may
not be reinstated to the Executive Board and is not eligible for reelection but may maintain member status in the RPSCC.

Section 8: Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, the Chairman shall, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, appoint a successor to serve the balance of the term of the vacant position.

Section 9: Election of Officers

Officers and elected members of the Executive Board shall be elected in a duly constituted RPSCC County Caucus or meeting prior to April 1st.


Section 1: Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall be the following:
● Campaigns & Elections
● Events
● Finance
● Membership
● Public Relations

The Executive Board and its officers shall be responsible to ensure that all Committee functions and activities are carried out and will be responsible for all party functions and activities not assigned to
any committee.

A. The Campaign & Elections Committee
The Campaign and Elections Committee shall work to educate voters and promote conservative
Republican candidates for elected office, and recruit, train and support local conservative candidates
who attest to the platform of the RPW and RPSCC.

B. The Events Committee
The Events Committee shall work to plan, coordinate, and execute all RPSCC hosted events as directed by the Executive Board.

C. The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall work to oversee and assist with all financial matters of the RPSCC to ensure that all financial transactions are performed and records are kept in an accurate and ethical manner.

D. The Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall coordinate volunteer activities and work to develop and execute programs that will promote, increase, and retain membership of the RPSCC.

E. The Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall work to oversee and facilitate the creation and distribution of all forms of media communications and promotional means of the RPSCC as may be requested by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Special Committees

A. The Executive Board Nominating Committee
The Executive Board Nominating Committee shall solicit and nominate qualified Members in Good Standing with appropriate skills and abilities to serve in leadership positions on the Executive Board.

Efforts shall be made to nominate members representing various geographic areas of the county.

B. The Delegate Nominating Committee
The Delegate Nominating Committee shall solicit and nominate qualified Members in Good Standing to be eligible delegates and alternates to attend each District Caucus and State Convention.

C. Special Committees
The Chairman, with the consent of the Executive Board, may establish such other special or temporary committees as deemed necessary.


Section 1: Call to Caucus

At the call of the Chairman or at the direction of the Executive Board or upon petition of twenty-five (25) Members in Good Standing, Caucuses and Meetings shall be held upon proper notice pursuant to Article VI, Section 2. Such a petition shall state the exact purpose of the Caucus or meeting.

Section 2: Caucuses

A. A regular annual County Caucus shall be held prior to April 1st of each year, at which time delegates and alternates shall be elected to attend the District Caucus and State Convention. In
odd-numbered years, election of officers and the Executive Board shall be held.

B. A County Caucus or Special Membership Meeting shall be called and advertised in at least two (2) editions of a local paper in the county with final publication prior to the caucus. The Chairman shall notify members via regular mail and electronic / internet communication systems, at least twenty (20) days prior to the Caucus.

C. Where there is only one candidate for an office, an election may be held by voice vote. Only members as defined in Article III are allowed to vote. The candidate with the majority of votes shall
be elected.

D. Where more than one candidate is nominated for an office, election will be by written ballot. Only members as defined in Article III are allowed to vote. The candidate with the majority of votes shall be elected.

Section 3:  Meetings of the Executive Board.

A. The Executive Board shall hold open monthly meetings at times and varying locations around the county when possible as determined by the Executive Board. Meeting times and locations shall be made available to the membership in advance on the party website in order to facilitate and encourage member attendance.

B. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Chairman or by written notice by five (5) members of the Executive Board. A notice stating the purpose for the meeting shall be sent to all members of the Executive Board and general membership and posted on the website.

C. Meeting in closed session shall be prohibited, except in rare cases to protect the identity or reputation of individuals, and is subject to the provisions stated above.

D. A quorum, consisting of a majority of members, shall be required to meet in person to conduct business for all Regular and Special Meetings of the Executive Board. Individual members may
attend by electronic means such as telephone or video conference, subject to the following requirements:

1) Once electronic communication has been established, the remote member(s) shall be assumed present until the meeting is adjourned.

2) The technology used for electronic meetings by remote member(s) shall allow for full participation in all meeting transactions.

3) A majority of the quorum shall be the minimum vote requirement for the passage of any motion, with a roll call being required upon request of any member participating in the meeting.

Section 4: Meetings of the General membership

Meetings of the general membership shall be held quarterly. The purpose of general membership meetings shall be to inform the general membership of the actions of the Executive Board, provide a forum for appropriate speakers and presentations, provide feedback from the general membership to the Executive Board, and to generate publicity.

Section 5: Proxy vote

Voting by proxy shall be prohibited at any regular or special party Caucus or Executive Board meeting.

Section 6: Resolutions

Resolutions, outside of a regular Caucus or Meeting of the Membership, may be brought before any regular or special meeting of the Executive Board by any Member in Good Standing, and its full text must be submitted at least seven (7) days before the meeting. The person(s) submitting the resolution shall present it to the Executive Board and may request an immediate vote on passage. The full text of the Resolution shall be recorded in the Minutes and distributed as directed by the Executive Board.


Section 1: Caucus Quorum

A quorum for a Caucus or Special Meeting of the Membership of the RPSCC shall be a number equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the number of authorized delegates of St. Croix County to the previous State Convention, and in no instance less than ten (10) members.

Section 2: Executive Board Quorum

A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Board.


Section 1: Rules of Order

“Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” or a more current edition, if available, shall govern all proceedings except where inconsistent with the Constitution of the RPSCC.


Section 1: Bylaws

Bylaws, as part of the official Constitution, may be adopted in accordance with this Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any duly called County Caucus, or Regular or Special Meeting of the Membership, according to Article VI, section 2B.


Section 1: Interpretation

In the event of ambiguity, or if a question of interpretation arises under this Constitution or By-laws, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall prevail.


Section 1: Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws may be adopted in accordance with this Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any duly called County Caucus or Special Meeting of the Membership where the call and notice states such purpose, according to Article VI, Section 2B.


Upon adoption and approval of this revised Constitution and Bylaws, any and all previous Constitutions and Bylaws of RPSCC are null and void.


Bylaws of The Republican Party of St. Croix County Wisconsin

Note: The Articles and Sections of the Bylaws were written to correspond directly with the Articles and Sections of the Constitution for referencing purposes. For this reason, not all Articles or Sections have associated Bylaws as noted.


The preamble to the RPSCC Constitution was added in order to recall and remember the vision of the founders of our nation and our state as they thanked Almighty God for the blessings of freedom we now strive to preserve.




Any and all future revisions or amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws shall be made in an effort to ensure integrity, accountability, and transparency, in service to, and for the benefit of, the Citizen Members of the RPSCC.


Section 1: General Membership

An application form created by the Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board, in electronic or physical format, must be fully completed by all new members, and reviewed by the
Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board.

1) The membership application form shall require applicants to attest to the Purpose of the RPSCC as written in Article II and to abide by its Constitution and Bylaws.

2) A list of all new members shall be presented to the Executive Board each month for approval. In addition to any established categories of membership, Associate membership shall be available for those who do not meet all of the qualifications in Article III, section 1. An Associate member may not serve on the Executive Board, may not serve as a Delegate, may not vote at meetings of the Membership or Caucuses, may not serve as the Chair of any Committee, but may serve as a voting member of a Committee. Associate members are not required to reside in St. Croix County.

Section 2: Removal and Reinstatement


Section 3: Code of Conduct

In cases of conflict, members of the RPSCC shall make efforts to reconcile differences privately if possible before bringing matters to a public forum. In the event of irreconcilable differences, an
impartial mediator(s) will be appointed to assist with reconciliation.


Section 1: Elected Officers

1) Must be a Qualified Voting Member in Good Standing, according to Article III.

2) No person who holds elected partisan public office or an elected position with a political party may serve as an officer of the RPSCC.

3) Eligibility of nominees shall be verified by the Nominating Committee and the Executive Board.

Section 2: Executive Board


Section 3: Compensation


Section 4: Duties of Officers

A. Chairman
Campbell Award: The Chairman shall, in coordination with the Membership Committee, identify
Members in Good Standing, who have volunteered a minimum of 50 hours in the previous calendar
year, for publication and recognition at the annual County Caucus and State Convention.
B. First Vice-Chairman
C. Second Vice-Chairman
D. Secretary
E. Treasurer:

Section 5: Duties of the Executive Board

The Executive Board shall oversee and manage the operation of any temporary, permanent, and/or self-funded Headquarters and appoint Members in Good Standing to facilitate daily operations as necessary. All RPSCC related materials and records generated or collected by any Officers and Members of the Executive Board, Standing and/or Special Committees, are the property of the RPSCC and therefore must be preserved in an appropriate physical and or electronic format. Each Officer or Committee must provide originals and/or copies of all previous year’s materials and records to the Executive Board at its first meeting of the year, to be maintained and preserved by the Secretary for future reference as needed. Any elected or appointed member of the Executive Board or any Committee, whose term in office has ended for any reason, must promptly collect all RPSCC related materials and records under their authority and/or in their possession, and return them to the Secretary or the Chairman prior to the next regular meeting of the Executive Board.

Section 6: Term of Office


Section 7: Removal


Section 8: Vacancies

In the event of any resignation of a member of the Executive Board, the individual will have the opportunity for an exit interview with one (1) RPSCC member and one (1) Executive Board member. The Executive Board member who resigned will also have the opportunity to speak publicly, or have their reasons read, at the next scheduled meeting or request a special closed session. The record of the exit interview will be provided to the officers of the RPSCC and maintained in the permanent records of the party.

Section 9: Election of Officers



Committees shall meet monthly to plan and conduct general business as directed in the Constitution and Bylaws, and conduct special business as determined by the Executive Board. Each committee is encouraged to create operational procedures as necessary to help facilitate good order and to coordinate with other Committees as necessary. No general member or Executive Board member may serve on more than 2 committees, including
standing or special committees, at any one time.

Section 1: Standing Committees

Each Standing Committee shall:

1) Have at least three (3) members, but not more than five (5).

2) Consist of no more than two (2) Executive Board members and at least one (1) general Member in Good Standing.

3) Meet monthly prior to each Executive Board meeting.

4) Prepare and present a status and activity report to the Executive Board each month.

5) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Finance Committee for approval by the Executive Board before the end of each year.

6) Prepare and submit a list of important dates and events for the upcoming year, specific to that committee, for approval by the Executive Board before the end of each year.

7) Prepare and submit a list of goals for the upcoming year, specific to that committee, for approval by the Executive Board before the end of each year.

8) Coordinate with other committees as necessary.

9) Prepare and submit an annual report of the Committee activities and achievements.

A. The Campaign & Elections Committee

The Campaign and Elections Committee shall:

1) Work with county and municipal clerks to promote election integrity, clean voter rolls, and adherence to election laws.

2) Recruit and train election inspectors, poll workers, poll observers, and special voting deputies.

3) Be involved in party events.

4) Communicate with elected representatives and inform members of their activities.

5) Relay news to membership regarding activities of state and federal representatives.

B. The Events Committee

The Events Committee shall:

1) Create and present a yearly events calendar to the Executive Board for approval including, but not limited to:

● Lincoln Day
● Reagan Reunion
● County Caucus
● District Caucus
● State Convention
● Election Days
● Community Parades
● County Fair
● Campaign Events
● Flag Waves

2) Be responsible for selecting and booking speakers, seeking and securing donors, booking event locations, and recruiting volunteers.

3) Participate in area community events to promote good will.

4) Coordinate with the Public Relations Committee to properly advertise and promote events.

C. The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall:

1) Include the First Vice-Chair, the Treasurer and at least one (1) general member familiar with general accounting and budgeting procedures.

2) Prepare and present an annual budget for the RPSCC with input from the Executive Board and each Standing Committee.

3) Assist the Treasurer with monthly financial reports.

4) Perform a semi-annual financial review of the RPSCC.

5) Advise and support committees with their fundraising activities.

6) Coordinate with the Finance Committee of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

7) Coordinate with the Treasurer to maintain an updated and documented account of receipts and expenditures.

8) Ensure the Treasurer presents detailed and transparent financial statements in an acceptable accounting format at each Executive Board meeting and annual County Caucus.

9) Work with the Treasurer and appropriate Standing Committees to develop budgets for all planned events.

D. The Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall:

1) Create, update, and manage all membership forms and materials.

2) Promote membership at all party events.

3) Conduct quarterly membership drives.

4) Coordinate with the Treasurer and Secretary to keep an updated list of all Members in Good Standing.

5) Present a list of all new members to the Executive Board each month for confirmation

6) With Executive Board approval, may propose special incentives and/or membership discounts.

7) Produce and issue membership cards to all members.

8) Any changes to membership categories and associated costs or discounts for the remainder of a calendar year must be approved by the Executive Board by June 30th.

E. The Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee shall:

1) Promote all Party events.

2) Publish news and happenings.

3) Manage official messaging from the RPSCC.

4) Manage and maintain the party website, ensuring it functions properly, updating its content in a timely manner as directed by the Executive Board and Standing Committees.

Section 2: Special Committees

A. The Executive Board Nominating Committee

The Executive Board Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) or five (5) members and will be elected by the sitting Executive Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the St. Croix County Caucus.

1) The Committee shall report at least one (1) but strive to report at least two (2) nominees for each open position.

2) The report shall be published with the notice of the meeting at which the election is to be held.

3) After the report is presented at the Caucus, nominations from the floor shall be allowed.

4) All nominees shall be current Members in Good Standing at the time of nomination and election.

B. The Delegate Nominating Committee

The Delegate Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members and shall be appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Executive Board.

1) Nominees and alternates will be selected from the Members in Good Standing and the list published and distributed prior to the Call to Order of the County Caucus.

2) Nominations may also be made from the floor of the County Caucus and all nominees must be
present to be nominated.

C. Special Committees



Section 1: Call to Caucus


Section 2: Caucuses

The order of business for the annual County Caucus shall be:

● Call to Order
● Invocation / Prayer
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Roll Call
● Member Comment
● Approval of Agenda
● Approval of Minutes
● Reports of Officers
● Reports of Committees
● Recommendations of the Executive Board
● Unfinished Business
● New Business
● Elections
● Announcements
● Adjournment

Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Board

The order of business for meetings of the Executive Board shall be:

● Call to Order
● Invocation / Prayer
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Roll Call
● Member Comment
● Approval of Agenda
● Approval of Minutes
● Reports of Officers
● Reports of Committees
● Unfinished Business
● New Business
● Announcements
● Adjournment

Section 4: Meetings of the General Membership

The order of business for meetings of the General Membership shall be:

● Call to Order
● Invocation / Prayer
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Roll Call
● Member Comment
● Approval of Agenda
● Approval of Minutes
● Reports of Officers
● Reports of Committees
● Unfinished Business
● New Business
● Announcements
● Adjournment

Section 5: Proxy vote


Section 6: Resolutions



Section 1: Caucus Quorum


Section 2: Executive Board Quorum



Section 1: Rules of Order



Section 1: Bylaws



Section 1: Interpretation



Section 1: Amendments

Amendments or additions may be brought before any Regular or Special meeting of the Membership, and its full text must be submitted to the Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The person(s) submitting the Amendment or Addition shall present it to the Membership and may request an immediate vote on passage. The effective date of any amendment shall be the day following approval by the membership.




Submitted by the Constitution Committee of the Republican Party of St. Croix County, January 26, 2023.

Constitution Committee Members: Therese Falde, Kristie Farnham, Dianne Joachim, Matthew Rust, and Michael Stoddard.

Approved by the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of St. Croix County, January 31, 2023.

Constitution Review Committee: Sara Bocklund, Darla Meyers, Lynn Betzold, and Joel Breazeale.

Reviewed December 30th, 2022 and January 11th, 2023.

Click here to download and print this document. 

Party Principles

The principles of the Republican Party of Wisconsin are the underlying reason we are all Republicans. These commonsense conservative beliefs are the glue that bonds Republicans nationwide.

I Believe…The proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done but cannot be done, or cannot be done as well, by individuals, and that the most effective government is government closest to the people.

I Believe…Good government is based upon the individual and that each person’s ability, dignity, freedom, and responsibility must be honored and recognized.

I Believe…The free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative and incentive have given this nation an economic system second to none.

I Believe…Sound money management should be our goal.

I Believe…In equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all.

I Believe…We must retain those principles of the past worth retaining, yet always be receptive to new ideas with an outlook broad enough to accommodate thoughtful change and varying points of view.

I Believe…That Americans value and should preserve their feeling of national strength and pride, and at the same time share with people everywhere a desire for peace and freedom and the extension of human rights throughout the world.

I Believe…The Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

RPW Constitution

The Republican Party of Wisconsin Constitution

Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be “Republican Party of Wisconsin.”


Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to correlate and unify under one central organization the activities of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, and to aid in every honorable way the Republican movement to advance fundamental Republican principles and policies, and as a voluntary organization, cooperate and assist in all elections.


Article III – Membership

Membership in this organization shall be open to all Wisconsin residents of voting age who are eligible to vote in any national or state election, who are members in good standing of the Republican county organization in the county of their residence, and who believe in the following objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin:

  1. To preserve and advance fundamental Republican principles and policies.
  2. To develop an aggressive and serviceable statewide Republican organization.
  3. To maintain harmony between all Republican organizations.
  4. To maintain control of the Republican Party of Wisconsin in the hands of grassroots Republicans
  5. To preserve our Republican form of government as created under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin.

“Members in good standing” shall be defined as those who meet the membership requirements specified in this constitution and the constitution of the Republican organization in the county of their residence and pay county party dues. No one may become a member in good standing if they hold a membership in another political party committee registered with the Federal Elections Commission and/or the State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board.


Article IV – State Officers and Executive Committee

SECTION 1. Officers

  1. The Officers of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall be a Chairman, Four (4) Vice-Chairmen, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a National Committeeman, a National Committeewoman, and a State Finance Chairman.
  2. The Officers shall include:
    1. a Third Vice-Chairman who shall be the Chairman of the County Chairmen elected at the first formal meeting of the County Chairmen in the odd-numbered year,
    2. a Fourth Vice-Chairman who shall be the Chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Young Professionals.,
  3. Terms of officers shall be as follows:
    1. The Chairman, First and Second Vice-Chairmen, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in that order at the Organizational Meeting of the Executive Committee. Their two-year terms shall begin upon adjournment of the Organizational Meeting.
  4. The National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman shall be officers of the Republican Party of Wisconsin from the adjournment of the National Convention at which they are elected until the adjournment of the next quadrennial National Convention. In case of a vacancy, the person nominated to fill the vacancy shall be an officer of the Republican Party of Wisconsin from the time of his or her nomination by the Executive Committee until his nomination is rejected by the National Committee or until the adjournment of the next quadrennial National Convention, whichever happens sooner.
  5. The State Finance Chairman shall serve at the pleasure of the State Chairman and shall continue to serve as an officer until his or her successor is appointed.
  6. The person holding the title of Third, or Fourth Vice-Chairman shall serve as an officer of the Republican Party of Wisconsin as long as he or she holds that title regardless of other Executive Committee terms. His or her successor shall be the person named by the Auxiliary body to that title.
  7. Qualifications: All officers must be members in good standing of the county organization in the county of their residence.


  1. There shall be in the Republican Party of Wisconsin an Executive Committee:
    1. Voting members of the Executive Committee shall be the officers named in SECTION 1, the Chairman and the First Vice-Chairman of each Congressional District elected at the District Caucus held in the odd-numbered year prior to the State Convention, the present Chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Labor Federation, the present State Chairman of the Wisconsin African American Republican Council, the Chairman of the Wisconsin National Hispanic Assembly, one at large member elected at the Organizational Meeting pursuant to paragraph d (1) of this Section, and the immediate past State Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. A Majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee shall be District Chairmen and District Vice-Chairmen.
    2. Non-voting members of the Executive Committee shall be one representative of the Republican Senate Caucus, one representative of the Republican Assembly Caucus and one representative of the Republican Congressional delegation chosen by each group in caucus.
  2. Terms of office shall be as follows:
    1. The officers shall be members of the Executive Committee while they hold office. ii. The District Representatives shall be members of the Executive Committee for two years starting with the adjournment of the State Convention in the odd-numbered year.
  3. Meetings:
    1. The Executive Committee shall meet in an Organizational Meeting for the purpose of electing a Chairman, First and Second Vice-Chairmen, a Secretary, a Treasurer and one (1) at large member of the Executive Committee, in that order, within 45 days following the general election in the even-numbered years. At this meeting, all members of the Executive Committee except the Chairman, First and Second Vice-Chairmen, Secretary, Treasurer, one (1) at large member of the Executive Committee and the immediate past State Chairman shall be entitled to voice and vote. The highest-ranking officer in attendance shall preside. Voting shall be by secret ballot except where there is but one nominee for a position.
    2. Meetings of the Executive Committee and Conventions of the Republican Party of Wisconsin may be called by the Chairman at his discretion or on petitions signed by at least six (6) members thereof. The Secretary or Chairman shall mail to each other of the Executive Committee at his or her last known address, a written or printed notice stating the time and place of such committee meetings at least ten (10) days before the holding thereof, except that the Executive Committee may meet without notice upon waivers of notice signed by at least a majority of the members thereof.
    3. Regular and Special Meetings of the Executive Committee, any subcommittee or special committee, may be held by electronic means (such as telephone conference, video conference, or internet communication system) subject to the following requirements:
      1. a majority of the members shall have access to the specified electronic media; a quorum for the meeting shall be established by roll call vote and, once established, shall be assumed present until the meeting is adjourned; the technology used for the electronic meetings shall allow the members full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the specified time of the meeting; and, the affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum shall be the minimum vote requirement for the adoption of any motion, with a roll call being required upon request of any member participating in the meeting.


  1. The Executive Committee is exclusively empowered to fill all vacancies on the Executive Committee as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs. The Committee shall accept the nomination for the Third, or Fourth Vice-Chairman from the organization he or she represents. The District Executive Committee shall be consulted before the State Executive Committee fills a vacancy from that District. A person elected by the Executive Committee to fill a vacancy shall become a member of the Executive Committee as soon as elected and shall serve for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.


Article V – County Organizations

  1. There shall be in this organization a County Organization in each county of the State, which shall have at least the following officers: a County Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and Treasurer all of whom shall be elected in a duly constituted county caucus prior to April 1st in odd-numbered years.


Article VI – Duties of State Officers and State Executive Committee

SECTION 1. The duties of the Chairman shall be to preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee, and shall act as temporary Chairman of all conventions of this organization, or in any other capacity as directed by the Executive Committee. He or she shall appoint the Finance Chairman.

SECTION 2. The duties of the First Vice-Chairman shall be to discharge all the duties of the Chairman in his or her absence or disability.

SECTION 3. The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of the proceedings of the Executive Committee, and have charge of the routine correspondence of this organization, and to perform such other duties as may be directed by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, and he or she shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed, and he or she shall render a statement of his or her accounts when called upon to do so by the Executive Committee or by the Finance Committee. He or she shall pay out funds of this organization only upon authorization of the Executive Committee or the Finance Committee. The bonding of the State Treasurer shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of this organization in order to accomplish successfully the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. The Executive Committee shall further have the power to prescribe and adopt by-laws not in conflict with this Constitution, and shall have power to make rules and regulations not in conflict with this Constitution for the conduct of the affairs of this organization. The Executive Committee shall furthermore have power to approve Constitutions and By-Laws for the District and County Organizations, and to issue Charters to the “Republican Party of _______ County” — one such Charter to each county — it being the duty of the County Organization so chartered to issue Charters to Town, Village, Ward or Precinct Organizations. The Executive Committee may upon two-thirds vote, revoke the charters, after thirty (30) days notice and hearing to the aggrieved parties. County and District Party Constitutions shall be reviewed for compliance with the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin and to insure there are no conflicts. Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to give the right to the Executive Committee to write platforms or to select or endorse delegates or to endorse candidates for office, except to fill vacancies after endorsement by the State Convention. The Executive Committee shall also establish a by-law with regulations regarding the assumption of debt by the State Party.

SECTION 6. The Wisconsin Republican Young Professionals shall retain its individual organization and identity, but in addition, in relation to the Republican Party of Wisconsin, shall carry on educational work among the young electorate of Wisconsin and assist the Executive Committee.

SECTION 7. The Wisconsin African American Republican Council shall retain its individual organization and identity, but in addition, in relation to the Republican Party of Wisconsin, shall carry on educational work with minority groups in Wisconsin and assist the Executive Committee.

SECTION 8. The Wisconsin National Hispanic Assembly shall retain its individual organization and identity, but in addition, in relation to the Republican Party of Wisconsin, shall carry on educational work among Hispanic groups in Wisconsin and assist the Executive Committee.

SECTION 9. In the event the Wisconsin Republican Young Professionals, the Wisconsin African American Republican Council, and the Wisconsin Republican National Hispanic Assembly do not meet a minimal membership criteria established by the State Executive Committee or become otherwise inactive, the State Chairman shall appoint a Chairman for each group with the approval of the State Executive Committee. The designated Chairman shall serve a term concurrent with that of the State Chairman and shall work to reestablish the organization and represent its interests on the State Executive Committee.

SECTION 10. The State Executive Committee shall have nine standing committees, including Budget, Candidate and Campaign, Communications, Constitution, Convention, District Leadership, Headquarters, Information Technology (IT) and Party Development. With the exception of the District Leadership Committee, the State Chairman shall appoint the Chairmen or Co-Chairmen and members of each committee from among the membership of the State Executive Committee. The Chairmen or Co-Chairmen of each committee shall serve a term concurrent with that of the State Chairman. The District Leadership Committee shall be comprised of the District Chairmen and Vice Chairmen, who will elect a committee chairman at their first meeting following the State Convention in the odd numbered years. There shall also be an Audit Committee, with its Chairman and members to be appointed by the State Chairman with the approval of the State Executive Committee in accordance with a by-law, adopted by the State Executive Committee, which shall prescribe the committee’s powers and duties. Special committees may be established as necessary with the Chairmen and members to be appointed by the State Chairman.


Article VII – State Executive Committee Quorum

A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but in the absence of a quorum a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting to another date and hour.


Article VIII – State Conventions and County Caucuses

SECTION 1. The State Executive Committee shall during the odd-numbered years call a State Convention of duly elected or accredited delegates thereof to transact any business that might be necessary to gain the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. The Executive Committee shall issue a call for any Convention at least sixty (60) days prior to the holding of such Convention.

SECTION 2. In the even-numbered years the Executive Committee shall call a State Convention of the duly elected or accredited delegates of the Republican Party of Wisconsin to be held in the months of May, June or July, for the purpose of promulgating and adopting a political platform. In the years in which there is a statewide election, there shall be an endorsement vote at the Convention for each of the five state constitutional offices and the United States Senate. A 60% majority vote shall be necessary for endorsement. A roll call vote shall be taken, by voice or electronic device, for each contested office. Only those candidates determined to be viable by the State Executive Committee shall be considered for endorsement. The Convention shall, in the same years as a National Convention is held, elect a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman for Wisconsin.

  1. Convention delegates reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for state-wide office.
  2. Congressional District Organizations reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for US House offices within their district.
  3. County Organizations reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for State Senate, State Assembly, and other elections with jurisdictions that are located within their county.

SECTION 3. Representation at such conventions shall be on the following basis, to wit:

  1. One (1) delegate absolute from each county in the State of Wisconsin.
  2. One (1) delegate for each 250 Republican votes or fraction thereof cast for Governor or for President of the United States in the preceding election, whichever may be determined by the Executive Committee.
  3. Each county shall be entitled to vote its full authorized strength regardless of the number of delegates present for voting and shall vote as a single entity.

SECTION 4. Such delegates shall be elected by members in good standing of the Republican organization in each county at the regularly called County Caucus for the election of such delegates. The members in good standing at the County Caucus may authorize the County Chairman to substitute delegates after the County Caucus if the County Chairman certifies in writing that the added delegate is a member in good standing of that County and the deleted delegate, if any, has no objection to the deletion. No substitutions shall be allowed after the last meeting of the Credentials Committee prior to the convening of the convention.

  1. A duly constituted County Caucus shall be one called by the County Chairman and advertised at least twice in one weekly or daily paper in the County, or upon at least eight (8) days notification by written or printed notice to each member, at his or her last known address, of the time and place of the holding of such convention or caucus. If the County Chairman does not call such County Caucus at least thirty (30) days before the date set for the District Caucus, the District Chairman shall call such County Caucus for such County in the manner outlined in this section.
  2. Only members in good standing of the Republican organization of each County at the time of such County Caucus shall be eligible to vote in such County Caucus, Congressional District Caucus, and the State Convention. This provision in no way precludes a county or unit organization from establishing a membership deadline prior to the County Caucus of not more than sixty (60) days.
  3. . If any question arises as to the status of any person attending the Caucus, a decision shall be made by a vote of the County Chairman, the First Vice-Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer, or, if the county organizations’ constitution so provides, by the duly constituted Credentials Committee.


Article IX – Congressional District Organizations

The Congressional District Committee shall consist of the members of the State Executive Committee from such Congressional District, a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer and such other officers and members as may be provided for by the District Constitution. The members of the District Committee shall be elected at a Caucus of the delegates from that Congressional District to the State Convention in the odd-numbered years and such District caucus shall be held prior to the State Convention. It shall be the duty of the committee to cooperate and assist in carrying out the objectives of this organization.

SECTION 1. The time and place of the holding of the duly authorized District Caucus shall be announced at each County Caucus of that District called pursuant to Article V. In the absence of such announcement the time and place of said District Caucus shall be advertised twice in one weekly or daily newspaper in that county or a written or printed notice thereof shall be mailed to each member at his or her last known address at least eight (8) days before the said District Caucus. The County Chairman of each county shall forward to the District Chairman at least five (5) days prior to any date set for the District Caucuses a list of accredited delegates and only these accredited delegates or their authorized alternates shall be permitted to vote at such District Caucus.

SECTION 2. At each duly constituted Congressional District Caucus only members in good standing of the Republican organization of each county shall be eligible to vote.

SECTION 3. Among the business of said Congressional District Caucus shall be the election of two representatives from the Congressional District to each State Convention Committee.

SECTION 4. In the event of Congressional District Reapportionment, the District Caucus held subsequent to Reapportionment shall be constituted of delegates from the new District. The first agenda item at such a Caucus shall be the election of a District Chairman and Vice Chairman to serve until the next regularly scheduled District Caucus, as provided in Article IX.


Article X – Selection of National Convention Delegates and Alternates

The Executive Committee is empowered to regulate the rules in this Article but not alter them unless they fail to be in compliance with the Rules of the National Republican Party.

SECTION 1. The total number of delegates and equal number of alternate delegates shall be those numbers fixed by the formulas set forth in the rules of each National Convention.

SECTION 2. Of the total number fixed by Section 1, three (3) district delegates and three (3) district alternate delegates shall be designated from the district of each Representative in the United States House of Representatives and the remainder shall be designated “at large.”.

SECTION 3. A candidate receiving a plurality of the votes in the Presidential Primary in any Congressional District is entitled to control the three (3) delegates and the three (3) alternate delegates from that district in all votes for nomination for President of the United States and Vice-President of the United States, unless the delegates and alternate delegates are released by the candidate or the candidate fails to receive at least one-third (1/3) of the total votes cast in any vote for nomination.

SECTION 4. A candidate receiving a plurality of the statewide votes in the Presidential Primary is entitled to control all the delegates and alternate delegates designated “At Large” on all votes for nomination for President of the United States and Vice-President of the United States, unless the delegates and alternate delegates designated “At Large” are released by the candidate or the candidate fails to receive at least one-third (1/3) of the total votes cast in any vote for nomination.

SECTION 5. Prior to the Presidential Primary and in accordance with procedures adopted by the District Organization, each District Chairman, in consultation with his or her District Executive Committee shall establish a list of no more than 20 candidates to be considered at the District Caucus as their District delegates and alternate delegates to the national convention and shall submit that list to the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Within seven (7) days of the Presidential Primary, the committee of the candidate winning a plurality of the vote in each Congressional District shall notify the Republican Party of Wisconsin which three from each District list they wish to designate as delegates and which three from each list they wish to designate as alternate delegates. Giving due consideration to the candidate committee’s designations, the District Caucus shall elect three District delegates and three alternate District delegates from the originally submitted list.

SECTION 6. At-Large delegates and At-Large alternate delegates shall be selected by the committee of the candidate receiving a plurality of the statewide votes in the Presidential Primary, and a list of said delegates and alternate delegates shall be ratified by the State Executive Committee. It shall be understood that the candidate’s committee shall have final approval of the list of At-Large delegates and alternate delegates. All District and At-Large delegates and alternate delegates must conform to Section 8. The delegate selection process shall be completed no later than the second Saturday in May of the Presidential election year.

SECTION 7. There shall be no automatic delegates nor alternate delegates to a National Convention who serve by virtue of party position or elective office, unless stipulated by RNC rules.

SECTION 8. Both district and At-Large delegates and alternates must file an affidavit with the Republican Party of Wisconsin stating that they will abide by these rules and that they are qualified to represent the Republican Party of the State of Wisconsin by being a qualified voter and member in good standing of the Republican Party of their county since at least the date of their county’s caucus held in the Presidential election year. All affidavits must be received in the state party headquarters no later than 45 days prior to the opening day of the Republican National Convention or the office will be considered vacant and a replacement delegate or alternate will be selected per Section 9.

SECTION 9. The Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall fill any vacancies for District delegates and District alternate delegates in consultation with the District Chairman in whose district the considered replacement resides, and the appropriate presidential candidate committee. The Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall fill any vacancies for At-Large delegates and At-Large alternate delegates in consultation with the committee of the candidate winning the statewide primary. The replacement of District or At-Large delegates or alternate must file an affidavit per Section 8 immediately upon accepting the office.

SECTION 10. No preference shall be given in the delegate or alternate delegate selection process as to whether the delegate is a man or a woman.


Article XI – Selection of Presidential Electors

SECTION 1: Presidential electors shall be certified by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Wisconsin prior to the nomination meeting for Presidential Electors, which, pursuant to Sections 8.18 (1) and (2) of the Wisconsin State Statutes, takes place on the first Tuesday in October of each year in which there is a presidential election.

SECTION 2: No names submitted after certification by the Republican Party of Wisconsin’s Executive Committee shall be considered.

SECTION 3: It is at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin to fill any vacancies which may occur after Presidential Electors are certified.


Article XII – Amendments and By-Laws

SECTION 1: This Constitution may be amended by one of the following methods:

  1. The Constitution may be amended at any State Convention if notice is included in the Call of the Convention stating that amendments will be considered at the said State Convention. The Call of the Convention shall clearly state the exact manner in which it is proposed that the Constitution shall be amended. An amendment shall be adopted only by a majority vote by all delegates entitled to sit at such convention.
  2. Upon petition of ten (10) or more County Caucuses from at least five (5) different Congressional Districts, any proposed amendments shall be included in the Convention Call. Proposed amendments under this section shall be submitted to every County Chairman by January 1 of the year of the County Caucus. An amendment under this section shall be adopted by a majority vote by all delegates entitled to sit at such state convention.
  3. Any properly proposed amendment under this article shall be amendable when presented to such State Convention.

SECTION 2: By-laws, not inconsistent with this Constitution, may be adopted by the State Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote at a regular or special meeting when the meeting notice includes reference to the consideration of by-laws and the language of the proposed by-law or by-law revision is included with the meeting notice.”


Article XIII – Parliamentary Authority

“Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised,” shall govern all the proceedings except where inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.

Revised May 4, 2015

RPW Platform

(Recommended by the Platform Committee – 5/4/2022)

Preamble—A Platform For a Time Such as This

The Republican Party of Wisconsin needs a platform that clearly states the principles that make America exceptional. The Republican Party must reaffirm the timeless truths that have made this country exceptional in the past and will do so in the future.

We are One Nation,

We are one family. We care for one another, are loyal to one another, and defend one another. Those who join our family become a part of our family history, sharing our privileges and shouldering our responsibilities. We are a geographically, ethnically, and culturally diverse family, yet we are unified by a common commitment to the principles for which we stand—a nation of, by, and for the people. We welcome free speech and encourage diverse opinions, but we reject identity politics that divides us against each other. We speak many languages, but we advocate for a single, unifying common language. We welcome those who share our love of freedom and respect our laws and our borders which are our first line of defense against lawlessness from within and without. We stand for a strong national defense. We are one nation.

Under God,

We believe that God endows every person with the right to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness and that He requires us all to respect the rights of all of our fellow citizens, from the moment that they are conceived to their deaths. We are under God who has instituted the family as the basic building block of society and establishes universal laws of justice. We establish no church or religion but recognize the sanctity of every person’s conscience and defend the free exercise of all religions. We are one nation but recognize that we are under God who cares for other people and nations as well as our own. The love for our family does not mean hatred for neighboring families.


Generations of Americans of all races have sacrificed their lives to defend our nation. Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Midway, Iwo Jima, Normandy, the Chosin Reservoir, Ia Drang, Fallujah, and many more places that are burned into our memories, testify to our endurance as a nation. We hold this nation in trust. We honor this trust by keeping liberty alive in the face of those who tempt us to trade our freedom for the worn-out promise of a global, collectivist utopia. We honor the sanctity of the individual, not the state. We promise less central planning and less centralized control—more freedom, not less. Despite attacks from without and within, we remain indivisible, bound, not by narrow promises of government handouts, but by a broad belief in freedom, in principles that bring liberty and stability through law clearly defined by our federal and state constitutions–foundational laws that mediate between the individual and group and small states and large states. We support the Electoral College that balances the rights of densely populated regions with those less populated.

With Liberty,

We stand for liberty, not the tyranny of the mob or the orders of the administrative state. We believe that it is not too late to return to a republic where the law is written by Congress which itself is limited by Constitutional law, where judges are limited by the written language of the law, where the president is limited to enforcing the law as written, and where the power of our federal government is limited to areas clearly defined by the Constitution. We dedicate ourselves to the defense of all those rights clearly articulated in the Bill of Rights—to free speech, to a free press, to the free exercise of religion, to bear arms, to private property— rights that are under constant attack by those from within who neither understand nor share our vision of freedom through the law. We stand for property rights and economic freedom. We envision an economy vitalized by clear, consistent rules, one where citizens can live and can start businesses free from excessive bureaucracy and can operate them without fear of private or public extortion, without frivolous lawsuits or pay-to-play bribes, fees, fines, and excessive taxes. We stand for a level playing field, free from the cronyism of subsidies, mandates, and monopolies. We stand for decentralization and free-market solutions to the serious problems in areas such as health care and education that have become so distorted by political manipulation.

And Justice for All,

We seek justice that is found in the intersection between liberty and law. We strongly advocate for limited government, federalism, and the decentralization of authority to the state and local community, but we also strongly support the strict and equal enforcement of law within each jurisdiction. Neither liberty nor justice is possible without public order. We believe that justice must be blind to race, gender, status, political affiliation, and sexual orientation, and that law enforcement must treat everyone equally. We stand for the same due process and the same presumption of innocence for all. We also oppose the injustice of federal borrowing that irresponsibly transfers one generation’s debts to generations not yet born. We call for the federal government to balance its budget and insist that each state continues to do likewise. We oppose “bailouts” that enable State irresponsibility. We stand for equal treatment through the law and for equal opportunity that equal treatment brings. Outcomes will vary, but one law in defense of life, liberty, and property protects us all. Our mission, both simple and profound, really can be summarized by three words, “liberty through law.”