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Voting at Wisconsin Universities-

From the Wisconsin Voter Alliance– 

Happy New Year to all!

In my last note to the membership, I explained how well the Democrat Party machine has captured and controlled the on-campus voting. I explained how our tax dollars are funding paid interns who are working in conjunction with organizations like Civic Nation’s initiative “ALL IN” who in turn control BadgerVote who in turn pretty much control all the voting process across all Universities in Wisconsin. If you had not read that, you can go here to read that article – Investigation into the University of Wisconsin in Regard to on-Campus Voting

To unequivocally prove the success of the Democrat Party with regard to on-campus voting I took the time to pull together the Nov 8, 2022, results for 17 universities and colleges across the state. I contacted the clerks in each of the cities where these universities are located to determine which wards were most likely to have the greatest number of students voting in them. Granted, in many of these cities these student voters are quite scattered around, but by identifying the most student active wards the results paint a very clear picture, that being THE DEMOCRATS’ PLAN IS WORKING!

Below is a table I put together that illustrates city by ward(s) how well their plan is working. Prior to looking at the results in the table it is important to understand the overall official statewide results on the Nov 8 election and the particulars as to the candidates. 

A summary highlighting my findings as to how effective the Democrat plan is.

·  VOTER TURNOUT – On Nov 1, 2022 Wisconsin had 3,531,456 registered voters, 2,640,000 people voted in the Nov 8 election which represents a 58.2% turnout, that in comparison to an average of 111% voter turnout in the campus situated wards.

·  EDRs (Election Day Registered) – Of the 2.64 million voters that voted on Nov 8th 585,000 voters or 22% were EDRs. That, compared to upwards of 90% of voters at campus wards being EDRs. For example, in the 4 wards represented in Madison, just over 90% of the voters were EDRs. At University of WI GRB, 93.5% of ward 3 were EDRs. Now compare that to my county, Kewaunee, that had 6% of our voters being EDRs.

·  Party Voting – On a statewide basis, Evers received 51.2% of the vote, however on the 17 universities, Evers received 68.8% of a 17.6% variance. Barnes statewide received 49.5% of the vote while on the campuses he received 68.3% an 18.8% variance.