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RPSCC Constitution Committee Report

January 26, 2023

Executive Committee and Membership of The Republican Party of St. Croix County,

The Constitution Committee has completed its work and has submitted a revised version of the

Constitution of the Republican Party of St. Croix County to the Executive Committee for approval

and recommendation to the Membership. The purpose of this committee was to recommend

updates and revisions to the RPSCC Constitution and Bylaws, in an effort to ensure integrity,

accountability, and transparency, to better serve and benefit the Citizen Members of the

Republican Party of St. Croix County.

Meeting weekly for the past 6 months, the Constitution Committee, appointed by the Executive

Committee, researched and reviewed several county Republican Party constitutions and

considered recommendations from the Executive Committee and the Membership. After

incorporating many of these recommendations and beneficial elements from other

constitutions, the revised RPSCC Constitution was submitted to a special Review Committee for

further deliberation.

Some of the highlighted additions include a Preamble, Bylaws, defined Standing Committees, a

Code of Conduct, and an Order of Business for meetings. Much consideration was given to

increasing guidance around the roles and responsibilities of leadership and committees for

better efficiency and effectiveness.

As written, we believe this Constitution is an important step to better serve and benefit the

Citizen Members of the Republican Party of St. Croix County.

We thank you for your trust and the opportunity to serve the membership in this capacity.

Respectfully submitted,

The RPSCC Constitution Committee

Therese Falde, Kristie Farnham, Dianne Joachim, Matthew Rust, Michael Stoddard

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(Cover Page)

The Constitution of the Republican Party of St. Croix County

Approved by We The People of St. Croix County, Wisconsin

“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are

endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these rights, Governments are

instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed –

That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the

Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying

its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them

shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

(Declaration of Independence)


“ The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of


(Article IV – United States Constitution)


“ The blessings of a free government can only be maintained by a firm adherence to

justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence of

fundamental principles.”

(Article I – Wisconsin Constitution)

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Constitution Committee Report Pg 1

Cover Page Pg 2

Table of Contents Pg 3


Preamble We the People of St. Croix County Pg 4, Pg 12 (Bylaws)

Article I Name Pg 4, Pg 12 (Bylaws)

Article II Purpose Pg 4, Pg 12 (Bylaws)

Article III Membership Pg 4, Pg 12 (Bylaws)

Article IV Officers And Executive Board Pg 5, Pg 13 (Bylaws)

Article V Committees Pg 8, Pg 14 (Bylaws)

Article VI Caucuses And Meetings Pg 9, Pg 17 (Bylaws)

Article VII Quorum Pg 10, Pg 18 (Bylaws)

Article VIII Parliamentary Authority Pg 10, Pg 18 (Bylaws)

Article IX Bylaws Pg 11, Pg 18 (Bylaws)

Article X Interpretation Pg 11, Pg 18 (Bylaws)

Article XI Amendments Pg 11, Pg 19 (Bylaws)

Article XII Superseding Governance Pg 11, Pg 19 (Bylaws)

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The Constitution of The Republican Party of St. Croix County Wisconsin


We the People of the Republican Party of St. Croix County pledge to uphold the timeless truths and

Godly principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and

the Wisconsin Constitution, on which our Nation, State, and Party were founded and have flourished.

Therefore, “We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to

secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, ensure domestic tranquility, and

promote the general welfare, do establish this Constitution” *

for the Republican Party of St.Croix County.

* Preamble to the Wisconsin Constitution


The name of this organization shall be “REPUBLICAN PARTY OF ST. CROIX COUNTY,” hereafter

referred to as RPSCC.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

1) To correlate and unify the activities of the RPSCC under one central organization.

2) To honorably advance godly values and fundamental Republican Party principles and policies.

3) To cooperate and assist in all local, county, state, and national elections as a voluntary grassroots


4) To preserve a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United

States and State of Wisconsin.

5) To direct, manage, supervise and control the business, property and funds of the RPSCC in a

fiscally responsible way.


Section 1: General Membership

Membership in this organization is open to all citizens of voting age who attest to the above

objectives, purposes, values and principles of the RPSCC.

1) Qualified voting members are Members in Good Standing who reside in St. Croix County.

2) Members in Good Standing are individuals whose applications have been approved by the

Executive Board.

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3) New member dues must be paid or postmarked at least fifteen (15) days prior to any meeting or

caucus in order to vote.

4) Members in Good Standing of the previous calendar year may renew membership at caucus prior

to the meeting being called to order.

5) No one may become a Member in Good Standing if they hold a membership in another political

party or committee registered with any Federal, State, or other governing body for elections.

6) The Executive Board shall determine categories of membership in coordination with the

Membership Committee.

7) The term of membership is one calendar year.

8) Non-refundable dues shall be assessed to each member annually.

Section 2: Removal and Reinstatement

The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote, remove an individual Member for good cause. Written

Calls for Removal from two Executive Board members must be presented to the Executive Board,

and the Member shall have the opportunity to be heard at a meeting, open to the membership, at

which removal is to be considered. Removal is for a time period of not less than one (1) year from the

date of removal, after which the removed individual may be reinstated by a two-thirds vote of the

Executive Board.

Section 3: Code of Conduct

Members of the RPSCC are expected to:

1) Conduct themselves in an impartial and professional manner, particularly when representing the


2) Demonstrate respectful language and demeanor at all times.

3) Demonstrate professional and business-like conduct during public, formal, and social gatherings.

4) Practice the “Golden Rule,” doing to others as you would have them do to you.


Section 1: Elected Officers

The elected officers of this organization shall be the following:

● Chairman

● First Vice-Chairman

● Second Vice-Chairman

● Secretary

● Treasurer

Section 2: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall maintain nine (9) members, consisting of the elected Officers and

members at large.

Section 3: Compensation

All Executive Board members shall serve without compensation, with the exception of approved

compensation for mileage, lodging, and meals according to current state employee rates. If an

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Executive Board member ever elects to run for office, reimbursement for campaign expenses will not

be allowed. The Chairman with the Executive Board shall determine compensation for full, part-time,

or temporary employees, or contracted services.

Section 4: Duties of Officers

A. Chairman

The Chairman shall:

1) Serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Board, and as such, preside at all meetings of

the Membership, Executive Board, and Caucuses.

2) Prepare and present an agenda to the Executive Board at least seven (7) days prior to an

executive meeting or caucus.

3) Supervise activities of the RPSCC under the direction of the Executive Board and shall report

such activities to the members.

4) Be an ex-officio non-voting member of all standing and appointed committees, but shall not be a

member of the Executive Board Nominating Committee.

5) Make any authorized purchases in the absence of the Treasurer.

B. First Vice-Chairman

The First Vice-Chairman shall:

1) In the absence of the Chairman, temporarily perform the duties of the Chairman as described.

2) Serve as Executive Board representative on the Finance Standing Committee.

3) Serve on the nominating committee for County Caucus and delegates.

C. Second Vice-Chairman

The Second Vice-Chairman shall:

1) In the absence of the Chairman and First Vice-Chair, temporarily perform the duties of both until

one or both are able to resume their respective duties or until replacements are appointed or


2) Serve as the Executive Board representative on the Elections Standing Committee.

D. Secretary

The Secretary shall:

1) Maintain a current roster of the Executive Board and all membership lists from the Treasurer.

2) Record, publish, and present the minutes of all meetings and caucuses to the Executive Board.

3) Be the custodian of all records of the party.

4) Serve as the Executive Board representative on the Public Relations Committee.

E. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall:

1) Keep an accurate account of all money received and deposit such funds into the appropriate

account prior to each monthly meeting.

2) Pay all invoices within the specified amount of time.

3) Maintain a list of all current paid members and provide a copy to the Secretary and Membership


4) Keep an accurate and current record of all expenditures by expense category.

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5) Present a detailed and transparent financial statement at each Executive Board meeting and

County Caucus.

6) File all proper reports with Campaign Finance as required by law and confirm completion with the

First Vice Chair.

Section 5: Duties of the Executive Board

All members of the Executive Board shall adhere to the Code of conduct in Article III, Section 3.

All members of the Executive Board shall be expected to:

1) Attend all meetings of the Membership, Executive Board, and assigned Committees as scheduled,

with absences only on rare and unavoidable occasions.

2) Perform duties as defined in this Constitution and Bylaws.

3) Honorably represent and support the expressed will and direction of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall:

1) Have authority to transact business between caucuses or meetings.

2) Make recommendations as to the policies of the party.

3) Advise the Chairman.

4) Approve vacancies that occur between elections pursuant to Article IV, Section 8.

5) Oversee the delegate selection process to ensure that a full slate of delegates and alternates

attend District Caucuses and State Conventions.

6) Formulate policies governing its actions in matters not provided for in this Constitution or By-Laws.

7) Provide means and resources to maintain, preserve and store all RPSCC related materials and

records in the appropriate physical or electronic formats.

8) Perform other duties as needed.

Section 6: Term of Office

The term of office for the elected Officers and Executive Board members shall be two (2) years

commencing in the odd-numbered years.

Officers may serve two (2) consecutive two (2)-year terms, after which they must take a leave of

office for one (1) two (2)-year term before being eligible to serve again as an officer.

The term shall begin following the adjournment of the RPSCC County Caucus at which they were

elected, and shall continue until their successors are elected.

In the event of an unfillable vacancy, an officer having just completed two consecutive terms may be

eligible to serve an additional term.

Section 7: Removal

The Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote, remove an Executive Board Member for failure to

adhere to the Code of Conduct, failure to fulfill the duties and expectations of their office, or other

actions detrimental to the RPSCC. Written Calls for Removal from two Executive Board members

must be presented to the Executive Board, and the Member shall have the opportunity to be heard at

a meeting, open to the membership, at which removal is to be considered. A removed individual may

not be reinstated to the Executive Board and is not eligible for reelection but may maintain member

status in the RPSCC.

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Section 8: Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, the Chairman shall, subject to the approval of the

Executive Board, appoint a successor to serve the balance of the term of the vacant position.

Section 9: Election of Officers

Officers and elected members of the Executive Board shall be elected in a duly constituted RPSCC

County Caucus or meeting prior to April 1st.


Section 1: Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall be the following:

● Campaigns & Elections

● Events

● Finance

● Membership

● Public Relations

The Executive Board and its officers shall be responsible to ensure that all Committee functions and

activities are carried out and will be responsible for all party functions and activities not assigned to

any committee.

A. The Campaign & Elections Committee

The Campaign and Elections Committee shall work to educate voters and promote conservative

Republican candidates for elected office, and recruit, train and support local conservative candidates

who attest to the platform of the RPW and RPSCC.

B. The Events Committee

The Events Committee shall work to plan, coordinate, and execute all RPSCC hosted events as

directed by the Executive Board.

C. The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall work to oversee and assist with all financial matters of the RPSCC to

ensure that all financial transactions are performed and records are kept in an accurate and ethical


D. The Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall coordinate volunteer activities and work to develop and execute

programs that will promote, increase, and retain membership of the RPSCC.

E. The Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee shall work to oversee and facilitate the creation and distribution of all

forms of media communications and promotional means of the RPSCC as may be requested by the

Executive Board.

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Section 2: Special Committees

A. The Executive Board Nominating Committee

The Executive Board Nominating Committee shall solicit and nominate qualified Members in Good

Standing with appropriate skills and abilities to serve in leadership positions on the Executive Board.

Efforts shall be made to nominate members representing various geographic areas of the county.

B. The Delegate Nominating Committee

The Delegate Nominating Committee shall solicit and nominate qualified Members in Good Standing

to be eligible delegates and alternates to attend each District Caucus and State Convention.

C. Special Committees

The Chairman, with the consent of the Executive Board, may establish such other special or

temporary committees as deemed necessary.


Section 1: Call to Caucus

At the call of the Chairman or at the direction of the Executive Board or upon petition of twenty-five

(25) Members in Good Standing, Caucuses and Meetings shall be held upon proper notice pursuant

to Article VI, Section 2. Such a petition shall state the exact purpose of the Caucus or meeting.

Section 2: Caucuses

A. A regular annual County Caucus shall be held prior to April 1st of each year, at which time

delegates and alternates shall be elected to attend the District Caucus and State Convention. In

odd-numbered years, election of officers and the Executive Board shall be held.

B. A County Caucus or Special Membership Meeting shall be called and advertised in at least two

(2) editions of a local paper in the county with final publication prior to the caucus. The Chairman

shall notify members via regular mail and electronic / internet communication systems, at least

twenty (20) days prior to the Caucus.

C. Where there is only one candidate for an office, an election may be held by voice vote. Only

members as defined in Article III are allowed to vote. The candidate with the majority of votes shall

be elected.

D. Where more than one candidate is nominated for an office, election will be by written ballot. Only

members as defined in Article III are allowed to vote. The candidate with the majority of votes shall

be elected.

Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Board.

A. The Executive Board shall hold open monthly meetings at times and varying locations around the

county when possible as determined by the Executive Board. Meeting times and locations shall be

made available to the membership in advance on the party website in order to facilitate and

encourage member attendance.

B. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Chairman or by written notice by

five (5) members of the Executive Board. A notice stating the purpose for the meeting shall be

sent to all members of the Executive Board and general membership and posted on the website.

C. Meeting in closed session shall be prohibited, except in rare cases to protect the identity or

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reputation of individuals, and is subject to the provisions stated above.

D. A quorum, consisting of a majority of members, shall be required to meet in person to conduct

business for all Regular and Special Meetings of the Executive Board. Individual members may

attend by electronic means such as telephone or video conference, subject to the following


1) Once electronic communication has been established, the remote member(s) shall be assumed

present until the meeting is adjourned.

2) The technology used for electronic meetings by remote member(s) shall allow for full participation

in all meeting transactions.

3) A majority of the quorum shall be the minimum vote requirement for the passage of any motion,

with a roll call being required upon request of any member participating in the meeting.

Section 4: Meetings of the General membership

Meetings of the general membership shall be held quarterly. The purpose of general membership

meetings shall be to inform the general membership of the actions of the Executive Board, provide a

forum for appropriate speakers and presentations, provide feedback from the general membership to

the Executive Board, and to generate publicity.

Section 5: Proxy vote

Voting by proxy shall be prohibited at any regular or special party Caucus or Executive Board


Section 6: Resolutions

Resolutions, outside of a regular Caucus or Meeting of the Membership, may be brought before any

regular or special meeting of the Executive Board by any Member in Good Standing, and its full text

must be submitted at least seven (7) days before the meeting. The person(s) submitting the

resolution shall present it to the Executive Board and may request an immediate vote on passage.

The full text of the Resolution shall be recorded in the Minutes and distributed as directed by the

Executive Board.


Section 1: Caucus Quorum

A quorum for a Caucus or Special Meeting of the Membership of the RPSCC shall be a number equal

to twenty-five (25) percent of the number of authorized delegates of St. Croix County to the previous

State Convention, and in no instance less than ten (10) members.

Section 2: Executive Board Quorum

A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Board.


Section 1: Rules of Order

“Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” or a more current edition, if available, shall govern all

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proceedings except where inconsistent with the Constitution of the RPSCC.


Section 1: Bylaws

Bylaws, as part of the official Constitution, may be adopted in accordance with this Constitution by a

two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any duly called County Caucus, or Regular or

Special Meeting of the Membership, according to Article VI, section 2B.


Section 1: Interpretation

In the event of ambiguity, or if a question of interpretation arises under this Constitution or By-laws,

the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall prevail.


Section 1: Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws may be adopted in accordance with this Constitution by

a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any duly called County Caucus or Special

Meeting of the Membership where the call and notice states such purpose, according to Article VI,

Section 2B.


Upon adoption and approval of this revised Constitution and Bylaws, any and all previous

Constitutions and Bylaws of RPSCC are null and void.

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Bylaws of The Republican Party of St. Croix County Wisconsin

Note: The Articles and Sections of the Bylaws were written to correspond directly with the Articles and

Sections of the Constitution for referencing purposes. For this reason, not all Articles or Sections

have associated Bylaws as noted.


The preamble to the RPSCC Constitution was added in order to recall and remember the vision of the

founders of our nation and our state as they thanked Almighty God for the blessings of freedom we

now strive to preserve.




Any and all future revisions or amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws shall be made in an effort

to ensure integrity, accountability, and transparency, in service to, and for the benefit of, the Citizen

Members of the RPSCC.


Section 1: General Membership

An application form created by the Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board, in

electronic or physical format, must be fully completed by all new members, and reviewed by the

Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board.

1) The membership application form shall require applicants to attest to the Purpose of the RPSCC

as written in Article II and to abide by its Constitution and Bylaws.

2) A list of all new members shall be presented to the Executive Board each month for approval.

In addition to any established categories of membership, Associate membership shall be available for

those who do not meet all of the qualifications in Article III, section 1. An Associate member may not

serve on the Executive Board, may not serve as a Delegate, may not vote at meetings of the

Membership or Caucuses, may not serve as the Chair of any Committee, but may serve as a voting

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Section 2: Removal and Reinstatement


Section 3: Code of Conduct

In cases of conflict, members of the RPSCC shall make efforts to reconcile differences privately if

possible before bringing matters to a public forum. In the event of irreconcilable differences, an

impartial mediator(s) will be appointed to assist with reconciliation.


Section 1: Elected Officers

1) Must be a Qualified Voting Member in Good Standing, according to Article III.

2) No person who holds elected partisan public office or an elected position with a political party may

serve as an officer of the RPSCC.

3) Eligibility of nominees shall be verified by the Nominating Committee and the Executive Board.

Section 2: Executive Board


Section 3: Compensation


Section 4: Duties of Officers

A. Chairman

Campbell Award: The Chairman shall, in coordination with the Membership Committee, identify

Members in Good Standing, who have volunteered a minimum of 50 hours in the previous calendar

year, for publication and recognition at the annual County Caucus and State Convention.

B. First Vice-Chairman


C. Second Vice-Chairman


D. Secretary


E. Treasurer:


Section 5: Duties of the Executive Board

The Executive Board shall oversee and manage the operation of any temporary, permanent, and/or

self-funded Headquarters and appoint Members in Good Standing to facilitate daily operations as


All RPSCC related materials and records generated or collected by any Officers and Members of the

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Executive Board, Standing and/or Special Committees, are the property of the RPSCC and therefore

must be preserved in an appropriate physical and or electronic format. Each Officer or Committee

must provide originals and/or copies of all previous year’s materials and records to the Executive

Board at its first meeting of the year, to be maintained and preserved by the Secretary for future

reference as needed. Any elected or appointed member of the Executive Board or any Committee,

whose term in office has ended for any reason, must promptly collect all RPSCC related materials

and records under their authority and/or in their possession, and return them to the Secretary or the

Chairman prior to the next regular meeting of the Executive Board.

Section 6: Term of Office


Section 7: Removal


Section 8: Vacancies

In the event of any resignation of a member of the Executive Board, the individual will have the

opportunity for an exit interview with one (1) RPSCC member and one (1) Executive Board member.

The Executive Board member who resigned will also have the opportunity to speak publicly, or have

their reasons read, at the next scheduled meeting or request a special closed session. The record of

the exit interview will be provided to the officers of the RPSCC and maintained in the permanent

records of the party.

Section 9: Election of Officers



Committees shall meet monthly to plan and conduct general business as directed in the Constitution

and Bylaws, and conduct special business as determined by the Executive Board.

Each committee is encouraged to create operational procedures as necessary to help facilitate good

order and to coordinate with other Committees as necessary.

No general member or Executive Board member may serve on more than 2 committees, including

standing or special committees, at any one time.

Section 1: Standing Committees

Each Standing Committee shall:

1) Have at least three (3) members, but not more than five (5).

2) Consist of no more than two (2) Executive Board members and at least one (1) general Member in

Good Standing.

3) Meet monthly prior to each Executive Board meeting.

4) Prepare and present a status and activity report to the Executive Board each month.

5) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Finance Committee for approval by the Executive

Board before the end of each year.

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6) Prepare and submit a list of important dates and events for the upcoming year, specific to that

committee, for approval by the Executive Board before the end of each year.

7) Prepare and submit a list of goals for the upcoming year, specific to that committee, for approval

by the Executive Board before the end of each year.

8) Coordinate with other committees as necessary.

9) Prepare and submit an annual report of the Committee activities and achievements.

A. The Campaign & Elections Committee

The Campaign and Elections Committee shall:

1) Work with county and municipal clerks to promote election integrity, clean voter rolls, and

adherence to election laws.

2) Recruit and train election inspectors, poll workers, poll observers, and special voting deputies.

3) Be involved in party events.

4) Communicate with elected representatives and inform members of their activities.

5) Relay news to membership regarding activities of state and federal representatives.

B. The Events Committee

The Events Committee shall:

1) Create and present a yearly events calendar to the Executive Board for approval including, but not

limited to:

● Lincoln Day

● Reagan Reunion

● County Caucus

● District Caucus

● State Convention

● Election Days

● Community Parades

● County Fair

● Campaign Events

● Flag Waves

2) Be responsible for selecting and booking speakers, seeking and securing donors, booking event

locations, and recruiting volunteers.

3) Participate in area community events to promote good will.

4) Coordinate with the Public Relations Committee to properly advertise and promote events.

C. The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall:

1) Include the First Vice-Chair, the Treasurer and at least one (1) general member familiar with

general accounting and budgeting procedures.

2) Prepare and present an annual budget for the RPSCC with input from the Executive Board and

each Standing Committee.

3) Assist the Treasurer with monthly financial reports.

4) Perform a semi-annual financial review of the RPSCC.

5) Advise and support committees with their fundraising activities.

6) Coordinate with the Finance Committee of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

7) Coordinate with the Treasurer to maintain an updated and documented account of receipts and


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8) Ensure the Treasurer presents detailed and transparent financial statements in an acceptable

accounting format at each Executive Board meeting and annual County Caucus.

9) Work with the Treasurer and appropriate Standing Committees to develop budgets for all planned


D. The Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall:

1) Create, update, and manage all membership forms and materials.

2) Promote membership at all party events.

3) Conduct quarterly membership drives.

4) Coordinate with the Treasurer and Secretary to keep an updated list of all Members in Good


5) Present a list of all new members to the Executive Board each month for confirmation.

6) With Executive Board approval, may propose special incentives and/or membership discounts.

7) Produce and issue membership cards to all members.

8) Any changes to membership categories and associated costs or discounts for the remainder of a

calendar year must be approved by the Executive Board by June 30th.

E. The Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee shall:

1) Promote all Party events.

2) Publish news and happenings.

3) Manage official messaging from the RPSCC.

4) Manage and maintain the party website, ensuring it functions properly, updating its content in a

timely manner as directed by the Executive Board and Standing Committees.

Section 2: Special Committees

A. The Executive Board Nominating Committee

The Executive Board Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) or five (5) members and will be

elected by the sitting Executive Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the St. Croix County


1) The Committee shall report at least one (1) but strive to report at least two (2) nominees for each

open position.

2) The report shall be published with the notice of the meeting at which the election is to be held.

3) After the report is presented at the Caucus, nominations from the floor shall be allowed.

4) All nominees shall be current Members in Good Standing at the time of nomination and election.

B. The Delegate Nominating Committee

The Delegate Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members and shall be

appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Executive Board.

1) Nominees and alternates will be selected from the Members in Good Standing and the list

published and distributed prior to the Call to Order of the County Caucus.

2) Nominations may also be made from the floor of the County Caucus and all nominees must be

present to be nominated.

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C. Special Committees



Section 1: Call to Caucus


Section 2: Caucuses

The order of business for the annual County Caucus shall be:

● Call to Order

● Invocation / Prayer

● Pledge of Allegiance

● Roll Call

● Member Comment

● Approval of Agenda

● Approval of Minutes

● Reports of Officers

● Reports of Committees

● Recommendations of the Executive Board

● Unfinished Business

● New Business

● Elections

● Announcements

● Adjournment

Section 3: Meetings of the Executive Board

The order of business for meetings of the Executive Board shall be:

● Call to Order

● Invocation / Prayer

● Pledge of Allegiance

● Roll Call

● Member Comment

● Approval of Agenda

● Approval of Minutes

● Reports of Officers

● Reports of Committees

● Unfinished Business

● New Business

● Announcements

● Adjournment

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Section 4: Meetings of the General Membership

The order of business for meetings of the General Membership shall be:

● Call to Order

● Invocation / Prayer

● Pledge of Allegiance

● Roll Call

● Member Comment

● Approval of Agenda

● Approval of Minutes

● Reports of Officers

● Reports of Committees

● Unfinished Business

● New Business

● Announcements

● Adjournment

Section 5: Proxy vote


Section 6: Resolutions



Section 1: Caucus Quorum


Section 2: Executive Board Quorum



Section 1: Rules of Order



Section 1: Bylaws


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Section 1: Interpretation



Section 1: Amendments

Amendments or additions may be brought before any Regular or Special meeting of the Membership,

and its full text must be submitted to the Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

The person(s) submitting the Amendment or Addition shall present it to the Membership and may

request an immediate vote on passage. The effective date of any amendment shall be the day

following approval by the membership.




Submitted by the Constitution Committee of the Republican Party of St. Croix County, January 26, 2023.

Approved by the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of St. Croix County, January 31, 2023.


Constitution Committee Members:

Therese Falde, Kristie Farnham, Dianne Joachim, Matthew Rust, and Michael Stoddard.

Constitution Review Committee: Sara Bocklund, Darla Meyers, Lynn Betzold, and Joel Breazeale.

Reviewed December 30th, 2022 and January 11th, 2023.

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