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County Caucus Rules – 2023

Republican Party of St. Croix County Caucus Rules – 2023


Rule 1: Voting Procedure

A. Unless otherwise specified by the Constitution, all votes will be by voice vote or by counting of hands if voice vote is indeterminate. 

B. When a demand is made that the vote on any question be made by roll call, it shall be seconded.

Rule 2: Suspension of the Rules and Tabling

After a motion to suspend has been placed before the Caucus, it shall be adopted if approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present.

Rule 3: Addressing the Caucus

A. Permission to address the Caucus shall be obtained from the Chairman before addressing the Caucus body.

B. No one shall speak more than twice on the same question, two (2) minutes on the first occasion and 1 minute on the second.

C. Speakers on one side of an issue shall speak for no more than a total of ten (10) minutes unless by permission of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Caucus.

Rule 4: Resolutions

A. Prior to the Caucus, a Resolutions Committee was appointed by the Chairman. Resolutions recommended to be acted upon by the Caucus were reviewed, modified and consolidated by the Resolutions Committee on subject and content.

B. Resolutions recommended for approval by the committee shall not require a second.

C. All resolutions will be an up or down vote with no amendments considered. After a second has been made, discussion will be limited to five (5) minutes per resolution, and one (1) minute per speaker.

D. Resolutions from the floor must be submitted in written form and presented to the chairman of the resolutions committee at least ninety (90) minutes prior to convening of the Caucus. A physical copy must be provided for each voting member in attendance.

Rule 5: Rules of the Caucus

A. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the rules of this Caucus, so far as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the rules adopted, except that a motion to adjourn shall be debatable.

B. Any person wishing to attend the Caucus must be verified as a Member in Good Standing as defined in Rule 6 by a designated officer of The Republican Party of St. Croix County.

C. The Sergeant at Arms is the presiding Officer, and at the discretion of the Chairman any member who becomes unruly will be removed from the building for the remainder of the Caucus. Unruly behavior includes shouting, profanity, insults, defamatory language, personal attacks, and any actions that disrupt the orderly proceedings of the Caucus. 

Rule 6: Requirements for Attendance and Participation

A. The Republican Party of St. Croix County is not a public organization but has specific membership requirements. Although many of its events are open to the public, the purpose of the Annual County Caucus is to conduct the internal business of the members of the RPSCC, and is therefore not open to the public.

B. Only paid Members in Good Standing will gain entrance to the Caucus. Members shall present their Membership cards. Non-members or Republican Party members of other counties will not be admitted.

C. Membership in Good Standing is defined in our Constitution below:


Membership in this organization is open to all St. Croix County citizens of voting age who believe in the above objectives, purposes and principles of the Republican Party. 

(a) Qualified and voting members of this organization are Republicans in good standing who have been recorded by the Treasurer of this organization as having paid current dues at least (15) days prior to any caucus or meeting; however, if someone is a member in the last calendar year they shall have the right to renew their membership at the time of caucus and be considered “In Good Standing” 

(b) No one may become a Member in Good Standing if they hold a membership in another political party committee registered with the Federal Elections Commission and/or the State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board or the State elections governing body. 

(c) The Executive Committee may determine categories of membership. 

(d) The term of membership is a calendar year. 

D. A Member in Good Standing must be a resident of St. Croix County, and have a paid 2023 membership according to the requirements below.

  1. New members must become Members in Good Standing at least 15 days prior to the Caucus. (February 24th, 2023 at 11:59 PM). 
  2. Previous Members in Good Standing in 2022 are eligible to renew membership prior to the Call to Order of the Caucus. (March 11th, 2023 at 9:00 AM)

E. Paid Members in Good Standing must be checked in or in line prior to 9am to gain entrance. No one arriving after 9 AM will be admitted under any circumstances. Attending members will receive a wristband after membership has been established.

F. Exceptions have been made for non-members invited to participate in security or administration of Caucus functions as pre-determined by the Caucus Committee.

Rule 7: Agenda

A. The order of business shall be printed in the official agenda included in the membership packet provided at the Caucus, posted on the Republican Party of St. Croix County website and emailed to all members.

B. The order of business may be altered by consensus of the Caucus or by a simple majority vote. 

Rule 8: Election Of Officers

A. Election of Officers is defined in our Constitution below:


Section Six: Term of Office

The term of office for the elected officers and the Executive Committee shall be two years, commencing in the odd-numbered years. 

The term shall begin following the adjournment of the County Caucus at which they were elected, and shall continue until their successors are elected. 

Section Eight: Election of Officers:

All officers and elected members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in a duly constituted County Caucus or meeting prior to April 1st in the odd numbered years. 


Section One: Nominating Committee

A Nominating Committee of three (3) or five (5) members shall be elected by the Executive Committee at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of each election at the county caucus. 

This Committee shall report at least one nominee for each position. 

The report shall be published with the notice of the meeting at which the election is to be held. 

After such report is presented at the caucus, nominations from the floor shall be allowed. 

All nominees shall be current members at the time of nomination and election. 


Section Two: Caucuses. 

Where there is only one candidate for an office, election may be held by voice vote. Only members as defined in Article III are allowed to vote. A majority of the votes shall elect the candidate.

Where more than one candidate is nominated for an office, election will be by written ballot. A majority of the votes cast shall elect. 

B. Following the close of nominations, each candidate will be given two (2) minutes to address the Caucus.

C. In the event any candidate does not receive a majority (over 50%), subsequent ballot votes will be held until a candidate receives a majority (over 50%) of the ballot vote. In the event any candidate does not receive a majority (over 50%) after one ballot vote only the two (2) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes will be considered on the second ballot.

Rule 9: Election Of Delegates

A. Election of Delegates is defined in our Constitution below:


Section Two: Delegate Nominating Committee 

A Delegate Nominating Committee of not less than three (3) members shall be appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Executive Committee for the purpose of nominating eligible delegates and alternates to attend each District Caucus and State Convention. 

The list of nominee delegates and alternates shall be published and distributed prior to the Call to Order of the County Caucus. 

Nominations may also be made from the floor of the County Caucus. 

Nominees must be eligible to be delegates or alternates. 

B. St. Croix County has been allotted 130 Delegates for the District Caucus and State Convention. In the event that more than 130 Delegates are nominated, the executive committee members and their spouses will be slated first, followed by others in the order their nominations were received. Any eligible nominees over 130 will be designated as Alternates.

C. A majority vote will approve the list of nominee Delegates and Alternates.

D. A Delegate to the District Caucus and State Convention must reside in St. Croix County, and must be a Member in Good Standing by having purchased a 2023 membership according to the requirements below.

  1. New members must become Members in Good Standing at least 15 days prior to the Caucus. (February 24th, 2023 at 11:59 PM). 
  2. Previous members in 2022 are eligible to renew membership to become Members in Good Standing prior to the Call to Order of the Caucus. (March 11th, 2023 at 9:00 AM)

Rule 10: Rules Changes

A. The report of the rules committee is subject to revision by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Caucus.

B. After adoption, these rules shall remain in force for the remainder of the Caucus.

Rule 11: Close Of Registration

A. Registration will close promptly at 9:00am.  

B. The list of Delegate and Alternate nominees will be compiled within one hour after closing.

Rule 12: Motions from the Floor

To help preserve time and to enhance clear communication, any motion from the floor must be made in writing and read aloud, and subsequently presented to the Chairman for accurate communication to the Caucus and proper recording by the Secretary.

Rule 13: Live Streaming Video

Caucus may be live streamed in order to accommodate those members who are unable to attend, or non-members who wish to observe the proceedings.

Rule 14: Adoption of Revised Constitution

A. Adoption of the Revised Constitution, as approved by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, will be adopted with a two thirds (2/3) up-or-down vote (with no amendments considered) after a second and discussion.

B. After a second has been made, discussion will be limited to fifteen (15) minutes, and one (1) minute per speaker.

C. Upon adoption, the new constitution will take effect immediately as defined in the new revised Constitution:


Upon adoption and approval of this revised Constitution and Bylaws, any and all previous Constitutions and Bylaws of RPSCC are null and void.

D. Upon adoption, the 2nd Vice Chair position will be added to the slate of officers to be elected.


The Caucus Committee adopted the rules for the 2023 Caucus on March 1st, 2023

(District 7 Caucus Rules were used as a guideline and amended where necessary.)