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Tribute to Deputy Sheriff Kaitie Leising

A Tribute to Deputy Sheriff Kaitie Leising

It is with the utmost respect and gratitude that I write to honor our fallen St. Croix County Deputy Sheriff, Kaitie Leising. On behalf of the Republican Party of St. Croix County, we are eternally grateful to Kaitie for her ultimate sacrifice while serving our community. We also acknowledge her fellow law enforcement officers who continually put their lives on the line to maintain peace and order in our communities, allowing us all to enjoy the God-given blessings of freedom, namely “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

Kaitie’s service to our community, protecting the blessings of freedom and liberty, cannot be overstated. It is fundamental to the wellbeing of any productive and peaceful society. Her life and career as a public servant are a testament to her personal strength and character. It takes a special individual to do the work required of her each day, and our world is a better place because of her. The legacy of her sacrifice will live on as a testament to her character, and the legacy of her service will live on as an example for future generations to follow. We will never be able to thank Kaitie enough for her service and her sacrifice.

Our prayer today is that Kaitie’s life of service will inspire us and our communities to remember that life is a valuable and precious gift from God. With this in mind, each new day is an opportunity to reflect God’s love to those around us, serving each other as we are able. 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 4:10-11

We thank God for the blessing Kaitie’s life of service has been to the people of St. Croix County, and we will always be inspired by the example of her life of service in our community. For this we are eternally grateful!

 Matthew Rust
 Republican Party of St. Croix County
“In God We Trust”