We welcome all RPSCC members and supporters to walk with us! If you unable to participate but would still like to contribute, candy donations are appreciated.
The parade begins at noon, but we must be lined up and ready by 11:00 AM.
RPSCC is #69 in the lineup.
All access points to the parade route are off of Hwy 63.
Hwy 63 then East on Cedar Street
Hwy 63 then East of 55th Avenue then North on 220th Street
CLOSURES: Note that you will NOT be allowed to enter the parade route coming from the North on 220th by the softball fields OR coming in on 70th Avenue from the East.
DROP-OFF RULES: If you are dropping someone off for parade lineup, you MUST enter the parade route through the designated options above. You may also turn on Maple Street, then park your car at Millpond in the designated area, and walk to your designated spot.