Captain Seth Keshel, world-renowned election analyst, will be at the Victory Center for an event this Saturday, November 16th to present a Retrospective Analysis of the 2024 election. 5:30pm - 7:00pmPlease RSVP- Sponsorships available to help make this event possible.- $100 Bronze, $200 Silver, $500 Gold $1000 Platinum- Contact Chairman Rust at to become a […]
The order of business for meetings of the Executive Board & Membership:● Call to Order● Invocation / Prayer● Pledge of Allegiance● Roll Call● Member Comment● Approval of Agenda● Approval of Minutes● Reports of Officers● Reports of Committees● Unfinished Business● New Business● Announcements● Adjournment
Campaign WorkshopHow to Run For Office 101COME READY TO LEARN:The Campaign Timeline & Campaign Strategy,Campaign Messaging, Campaign Finance LawsRECEIVE:All Required Paperwork, Data, Resources, Your District Map, Campaign Guide Packet, Help Filling Out Required Paperwork,& Help Formulating Your Campaign MessagingLEAVE:Equipped and Ready to Hit The Ground Running
Meet & Greet with Santa & Mrs. ClausDecember 7, 20242pm - 5pmRepublican Party Victory Center121 2nd Street in HudsonTreats and Hot Cocoa Provided!Help our local food shelf with a gift of canned food item.
Join us for a night of Bell Ringing and Caroling!Many families in our community continue to be in need, we see it everyday. Supporting the local Salvation Army red kettle program is a great way for our Republican Party team to step in and model what we are all about!Salvation Army bell ringers are an icon […]
Help us honor our dedicated Volunteers for their efforts in helping to secure a historic Victory for Republicans in November! Meet Santa and Mrs. Claus, hear from local candidates for spring elections and help get them get on the ballot along with Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Brad Schimel by signing their nomination papers! See you there!
Join us for a night of Bell Ringing and Caroling!Many families in our community continue to be in need, we see it everyday. Supporting the local Salvation Army red kettle program is a great way for our Republican Party team to step in and model what we are all about!Salvation Army bell ringers are an icon […]