America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Women For Trump Coalition Meeting

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

"Why Trump?" Craft Your Compelling Elevator Pitch!This will be an interactive working session for all attendees.October 9 - WednesdayVictory Center, Hudson7:00PM - 8:30PMClick HERE to join these conversations today!Fellow Patriot,  We hope this message finds you well! As we approach this pivotal election in our nation's history, We are reaching out to invite you to join an inspiring movement--- Women […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Membership Forum to discuss Victory Center and Headquarters Leases

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

The purpose of these Membership Forums is to provide an opportunity for our members to provide input and express their views to the Executive Board on how to proceed with the current leases for the Headquarters at 709 Rodeo Dr. and the Victory Center at 121 2nd St. After hearing from Membership, a final decision […]

Chase the Vote Super Saturday with Tom Tiffany, Shannon Zimmerman, and Turning Point Action

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Let's "Chase the Vote" to help our conservative candidates WIN on November 5th!RSVP HEREJoin us along with US Congressman Tom Tiffany, State Representative Shannon Zimmerman and Turning Point Action as we hit doors and meet voters!Coffee, Breakfast, and materials provided by Turning Point Action.Tom and Turning Point will meet us at the Republican Party of […]

Constitution Alive Course

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Join your fellow Republicans, Patriots, and Conservative Americans at the Victory Center for a FREE Constitution Alive Course, a 6 week Citizen's Guide to the Constitution. Enjoy this excellent, fun, and inspiring course FREE! We’ll meet the next 6 Mondays and you’ll learn what you’ve been wishing you knew about the US Constitution. Interested? Send inquiries […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Membership Forum to discuss Victory Center and Headquarters Leases

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

The purpose of these Membership Forums is to provide an opportunity for our members to provide input and express their views to the Executive Board on how to proceed with the current leases for the Headquarters at 709 Rodeo Dr. and the Victory Center at 121 2nd St. After hearing from Membership, a final decision […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Women For Trump Meeting

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Please join us Thursday 10/17 for another Women For Trump event!4:00 - 5:45: Flag Wave on 2nd Street in Hudson6:00 - 6:45: Meeting at Dunn Brothers downtown Hudson7:00 - 8:00: Zoom Meeting with Jenna Banfield at the Victory Center in HudsonPlease join us Thursday, 10/17 at 7 pm for another Women for Trump Zoom meeting. We […]