Eric Hovde Rallies in River Falls and Amery – Wed, Oct 23

Get ready to Rally! Mark your calendars for US Senate Candidate Eric Hovde as he makes two Bus Tour Rally stops in Northwest Wisconsin on Wed October 23rd! Bring your friends and neighbors and let's show our support for Eric's campaign with some huge crowds as we work to defeat the leftist Democrat Tammy Baldwin! We'll see […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Super Saturday

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Let’s help our conservative candidates WIN on November 5th!Join us as we hit doors and meet voters to support President Trump, US Senate Candidate Eric Hovde, US Congressman Tom Tiffany, State Senator Rob Stafsholt, State Assemblyman Shannon Zimmerman, and State Assembly Candidate Rob Kreibich.We will meet at the Republican Party of St. Croix County Victory […]

Consitution Alive Course

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Join your fellow Republicans, Patriots, and Conservative Americans at the Victory Center for a FREE Constitution Alive Course, a 6 week Citizen's Guide to the Constitution. Enjoy this excellent, fun, and inspiring course FREE! We’ll meet the next 6 Mondays and you’ll learn what you’ve been wishing you knew about the US Constitution. Interested? Send inquiries […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

October Executive Board Meeting

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

The order of business for meetings of the Executive Board & Membership:● Call to Order● Invocation / Prayer● Pledge of Allegiance● Roll Call● Member Comment● Approval of Agenda● Approval of Minutes● Reports of Officers● Reports of Committees● Unfinished Business● New Business● Announcements● Adjournment

Am I Racist – Movie Night

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Join us for a Movie Night to see Matt Walsh's latest movie "Am I Racist?"Click HERE to see official TrailerFrom the white guys who brought you "What Is A Woman?" comes their next great question, and America's next great movie, "Am I Racist?" Matt Walsh goes undercover in the world of DEI, hilariously skewering the […]

America First / Candidate Flag Waves

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Show your support for our Republican Candidates on the 2nd Street sidewalk in front of the Victory Center in downtown Hudson. Volunteers will gather every Tuesday and Thursday in October to wave flags and signs for our candidates. We'll see you there!DATES: October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31LOCATION: 121 2nd Street in […]

Monthly Prayer Meeting

Victory Center 121 2nd Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Join our faithful members and supporters to Pray for our Elections, our Communities, our Leaders, our State and our Country, to honor our legacy as “One Nation Under God.”

Early Voting Schedule: Oct 22 – Nov 1

Early In-Person Voting Schedulefor 35 the Municipalities in St. Croix County Town of BaldwinTown of Baldwin Clerk’s office                      2399 90th Ave, Baldwin, WI 54002715-684-3581 715-928-2714                       Clerk: Jim HarerCall for appointment- - -Village of BaldwinVillage of Baldwin Clerk’s office                    400 Cedar Street, Baldwin, WI 54002715-684-3426                                                     Clerk: Tracy CarlsonCall for appointment- - -Town of CadyTown of Cady Clerk’s office                             398 Highway 128, Wilson […]